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You can use breakdowns to split up trends insights by the values of a specific property, such as by Current URL, Country, or email, or a cohort of users – pretty much anything you can imagine, really.

To add a breakdown, click on '+ Add breakdown' in the group filters section and search for your desired property. The supported properties are:

Event propertiesProperties specific to a tracked event (e.g. Current URL)
Session propertiesProperties specific to a single session (e.g. Entry URL)
Person propertiesProperties stored on a user's person profile (e.g. company_name)
Feature flagEvents where a specific feature flag was enabled
Group propertiesProperties stored on a group (requires group analytics)
CohortsEvents performed by a pre-defined list of users
SQLCustom breakdown using SQL (see our advanced breakdowns tutorial)

Once you've selected a property, you should see your graph split into multiple series, each one corresponding to a distinct value of that property.

Graph of an insight broken down by a property

For readability, PostHog only loads the first 25 values of a breakdown when you first load an insight. You can manually load more values by clicking the 'Load more breakdown values' button.

To just see the total count, switch to a total value bar chart or table like the one below.

Sample breakdown bar chart

Breakdowns only support a single property at a time, unless you use SQL. To breakdown by the combination of browser and operating system, for example, you can use the following expression:

concat(properties.$browser, ' - ', properties.$os)

See our SQL expression docs for more information.

Cohorts and breakdowns

You can also break down trends insights by cohorts – a specific list of users you've created that is either static, or updated automatically based on pre-defined properties.

Unlike properties, you can break down insights by multiple cohorts at a time. This is useful if you want to compare how often different groups of users trigger a specific event, or complete an action.

When you create a breakdown using a cohort, an 'Add cohort' button will appear where you can add more cohorts to your breakdown.

Breaking down numerical values into bins

When breaking down based on a string value, your graph will be split up with separate series for every distinct value of that property. This works well for text values, but it's often too granular when trying to analyze numeric or time properties

To solve this, when breaking down a numeric property, you can select a number of 'Bins' to combine ranges of values into.

Breaking down into 10 bins

PostHog will then break up your events into the specified number of bins based on the distinct values of the property. For example, if your property can take the values 20, 21, 22, ..., 40 and you split it up into 10 bins, it will break your events up into ranges of 20 - 22, 22 - 24, etc. This aggregates all breakdown values, not just the top 25 ones, like it happens for non-numeric values.

To have more customization over bins or to bin any type of property, use SQL.

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Formulas are custom mathematical expressions that you can use to compare and combine the value of multiple series. To add a formula, click Enable formula mode . Then, within the input box, type out the expression you would like to evaluate. This expression can contain any number of basic mathematical operators (+, -, * , /) along with variables ( A , B , C , ...), which correspond to the series with that letter. If you have two series A and B, then the formula A / B will plot the value of…

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